Many people are aware of using acupuncture for the treatment of aches and pains. Less people know about using Chinese medicine for internal issues such as endocrine or metabolic problems. I would bet even fewer still have heard of using Chinese medicine to treat skin conditions like acne. Great news is that it works very […]
Dizziness is a very disturbing, but extremely common problem. Officially termed vertigo, it is distinguished from being light headed and syncope, by a feeling that the room is spinning and a loss of balance. Frequently, vertigo is accompanied by: nausea, vomiting, nystagmus (eyes ticking back and forth), and an inability to walk or even move […]
In my last article on menopause, I wrote how Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) views this life transition through its cultural and societal lenses. Now we will look at how TCM treats menopause on a physical and psychological level. Since TCM views menopause as a natural life, event as opposed to a medical problem, it tends […]
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), as well as many cultures around the world, view menopause as a sacred right of passage for women, denoting a shift in a woman’s role in the community from that of mothers and professionals, to that of the matriarch and sage femme. It is believed that the cessation of menses creates […]
It is said in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that a women’s menstrual cycle is the bell weather of her health. A normal cycle is indicative of metabolic and hormonal balance. The average menstrual cycle is between 24 – 30 days in its entirety, with 4-7 of those days for menstruation. In this article, abnormal menstrual cycles […]
Many people are familiar with the idea of using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for back pain, arthritic pain or even headaches. Fewer people know just how good TCM can be for menstrual pain – but Asian women have relied on TCM’s gentle and effective techniques for thousands of years to provide comfort! Here we are […]
Depression is a sometimes hidden, but very common mood disorder. It is estimated that 16 million Americans suffer with chronic depression. Depression casts a dark cloud over all aspects of living, robbing a person of experiencing daily joy. It can impact all aspects of life including relationships to self and others. Similar to anxiety, most […]
Anxiety is a mood disorder that plagues a great many people in the U.S. It is estimated that as much as 18% of the population have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder and that there is additional 10-15% who might be undiagnosed. Like stress or blue moods, all of us are likely to experience some anxiety […]
Back and neck pain is one of the top reasons that people seek treatment from healthcare providers. This makes sense because according to numerous studies, nearly everyone (80% of the total population) will have a bout of back or neck pain at some time in their life bad enough to cause them to seek help. […]
As stated in my last article on insomnia, it is a major problem in the U.S., affecting over 60 million people. Here is some more recent information that has come to light. Chronic insomnia due to sleep disorders is more prevalent in working women ages 20 – 60 (27%) then men (20%) and is worse for those […]